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Website owner

Identity : SARL LVR Cycles
Registered office : 271 rue Claude Nougaro 
34500 Béziers
Phone number: +33 4 67 37 17 52
E-mail :
Siret : 750 132 029 00034
Capital : 1 000€
EORI : FR75013202900034
Legal representative: Zaragoza Thomas
VAT identification number : FR76750132029

Web host

The hosting of the Site is provided by: SAS CIBLEWEB.COM
RCS of Béziers Nr. B 535 391 627
Address: 3 Av. Président Wilson, 34500 Béziers France
Phone number: +33 4 67 49 12 20

Nome di dominio e host di posta elettronica

Descrizione dell'ospite Ragione sociale: OVH
Indirizzo: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix Francia
Telefono: 08 203 203 63

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